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Ⅱ, What is a bumper plate?

Our store carries a large number of types of rubber plates called "bumper plates."
On this page, we will explain the features of bumper plates and how they differ from other plates.

[Difference between coating plates and bumper plates]

Plates that are attached to barbells, especially those with a rubber surface, are collectively called "rubber plates." However, there are actually different types of rubber plates, which can be broadly divided into two types: "coated plates" and "bumper plates."

*Coating plate

A coated plate is a steel plate with a rubber or urethane coating on the surface, and is not intended for use in weightlifting or quick lifts.
Almost all rubber plates sold at low prices are of this type.

At first glance, coating plates appear to be similar to bumper plates, but because the rubber layer is thinner, they are less durable and quieter than bumper plates, making them a completely different product.

*Bumper plate

Bumper plates are rubber plates designed for use in weightlifting and quick lifts. They are covered in thicker rubber than coated plates, and are highly durable and quiet.
In addition, since they are made with the assumption that they will be used in practice sessions and tournaments, precision in processing and weight is required.

[Advantages and disadvantages of bumper plates]

As mentioned above, bumper plates are designed for use in weightlifting, but because they have the following benefits, in recent years they are increasingly being installed in general gyms and home gyms that do not host weightlifting events.
Even if it's not a weightlifting gym, when doing exercises like deadlifts, you will still be dropping the barbell to the floor, so it's better if the equipment is durable and quiet.

・There are no coating plates designed for competition use, and almost all products have some degree of weight error. On the other hand, bumper plates can be selected from products with high precision and little weight error.
However, some disadvantages include the fact that it is "harder to hold compared to coated plates with handles" and "it is more expensive compared to coated plates."

Bumper plates are manufactured to withstand being dropped to the floor, so they have an extremely long lifespan. At MBC Gym, which we operate, bumper plates that are about 30 years old are still in use.
Bumper plates are relatively expensive, but once you buy one, you can think of it as a tool that will last you a lifetime.

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